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Talks and presentations

Talks/media: Text

Talks and media

Podcast PodStad: “The carfree city”, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Talk “Walking, wellbeing in urban environments”, Israeli Science Foundation workshop “Urban innovation through walkability and spatial cognition”, Tel Aviv (Israel)

Mini-college “Are healthy cities also accessible”, Studio Erasmus, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Talk “Accessible walking hubs for psychological wellbeing”, 1st Accessible Hubs International Workshop, Darmstadt (Germany)

Selected conference presentations

June 2022: “The Effect of Cultural Landscapes on Mobility and Wellbeing”, International Medical Geography Symposium, Edinburgh (UK).

July 2022: “Cultural Landscapes, Wellbeing and Psychological Restoration”, International Association People-environments Studies, Lisbon (Portugal).

May 2019: “Public health evaluation of the 20mph speed limit policy in Bristol, UK”, World Conference on Transport Research, Transport and Health track, Mumbai (India).

July 2018: “The restorative potential of walking in urban environments”, International Association People-Environment Studies Bi-annual conference, Rome (Italy).

January 2018: “Healthy walking: The role of architecture”, AMPS 2018 Health: The Design, Planning and Politics of How and Where We Live, Bristol (UK).

August 2017: “The restorative potential of walking in urban settings: a person-centred approach”, International Conference of Environmental Psychology, A Coruna (Spain).

April 2017: “Restoration in urban and natural settings and relationship with walking intentions”, American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston (USA).

September 2016: “Urban heritage environments as health-enabling places”, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, London (UK).

Talks/media: List

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